Child Social and Financial Education:

Asha-Odisha has teamed up with MelJol for a programme called Child Social and Financial Education (CSFE) also known as Aflatoun. MelJol is a Non Governmental Organization registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 formed in 1999. It focuses on fostering healthy attitudes among children, creating awareness of the different needs of children from different backgrounds and building the spirit of confidence and entrepreneurship and also children must participate and create a child friendly world. Its goal is as “It is to inspire socially and economically empowered youth to lead responsible life and become agents of change.”

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Schools 226 306 535 548 552 552 552 552
Afltn. clubs 202 269 471 466 490 510 523 544
Afltn. banks 133 215 354 323 381 266 279 247
Children By AC 8170 27443 40318 33547 24274 10427 11436 13879
Amount Savings by Afltn Students 76982 164750 258759 185213 255656 297351 317884 344678